• What is an Anti-Inflammation Diet?

    We received a follow up question on our “Top 5 Supplements Everyone Should Consider” post about how to follow an “anti-inflammatory” diet. The inquiry, from a Harvest Market fan named Patrica, is simply: “What to eat and what not to eat?” Now THAT is the question! Harvest Market’s Wellness Manager, Henry, did his best to…

  • A+ for Avocados

    Equal Exchange works in partnership with PRAGOR, a progressive group of small-scale avocado farmers in Michoacán, Mexico. This region of Mexico is considered the avocado capital of the world. How incredible does that sound? However, powerful corporate interests have made it difficult for small-scale farmers to compete. In response, PRAGOR courageously organized and decided they would collectively…

  • Your Guide to Healthy Fats

    Thanks to new and emerging research, we now know that eating healthy fat doesn’t necessarily lead to weight gain. Although fat is caloric (it contains 9 calories per gram, more than double that of proteins and carbohydrates), this macronutrient boosts your satiety—meaning you stay fuller for longer. While monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (think liquid-at-room-temperature fats,…

  • How to Make Ghee

    In Ayurveda, ghee is considered the healthiest and primary fat. Because of the way it is prepared, ghee contains little to none of the lactose of butter, making it more tolerable for those on a dairy-free diet. Ingredients: 1 pound organic, cultured unsalted butter (We suggest: Organic Valley Cultured Unsalted) Directions: In a medium saucepan…

  • Guide to Healthy Fats

    Back in the day, health-conscious shoppers fled fat like it was evil incarnate, a contagious lipid version of Eve’s apple. Today, we know better. Click below to explore the role of healthy fats in optimal wellness with this handy eGuide: Bonus feature: The War on Butter is Over!  

  • Stay Sharp with Wild Salmon

    Excerpted from WildforSalmon.com Wild Salmon products are high in brain supplementing Omega 3’s which can actually facilitate new brain cell formation and improve memory. Few single foods can bring as many health contributions to your diet in significant quantities as wild Alaskan salmon. Wild salmon is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which are…
