• A reminder to all of our customers: please use a cart or basket and do not shop into your personal bags.

    We need your help. We recently caught someone shoplifting by shopping directly into their personal bags, claiming the items in the bag were products purchased from another store, and leaving the store without paying for those items. We have been encouraging our customers to bring in their own carryout bags for years, and pay 10…

  • BYOB Accountability

    Sure, I have a reusable bag. But I left it at home. Some Harvest Marketers (yes, that’s what we call each other) are so organized. These folks always have their money or card ready in the queue. They have unloaded their carts, separated dry from cold, and have their bags waiting to load by the…

  • We’re a BYOB Establishment

    Notice the BYOB craze these days? (And no, we’re not talking about the bring your own booze trend, although that’s appealing, too!). We’re talking about the Bring Your Own Bag movement, which has helped reduce the number of single use plastic and paper bags consumed in our culture by encouraging consumers to bring their own…
