Just Thrive Probiotic

Just Thrive Probiotic
Just Thrive Probiotic and Antioxidant (left) and their NEW Precision PREbiotic (right)

Just Thrive is the first spore-forming probiotic and antioxidant supplement available in the retail market that arrives 100% alive to your intestines. “Spore,” in this case, refers to the outer shell of these incredible, intelligent bacteria. This protective shell keeps the strains dormant but alive until they find themselves in the intestines, which is where they’ve evolved to call home. Once there, they release these shells and attach themselves to the intestinal walls and go right to work. After about 21 days of nurturing and grooming and cultivating, the bacteria find themselves in the colon, where they re-shield themselves with their outer shell in preparation of being released, (in a hunter-gather sense), back to nature, where the whole process can begin anew.

Just Thrive replaces the outdated approach of “reseeding” the gut (which would be like throwing seeds in an abandoned garden and hoping they grow), and opts for the more integrative approach of “reconditioning” the gut (which would be like hiring a gardener to manage the garden, till the soil, pull out weeds, plant seeds and care for them as they grow) which removes pathogens and “bad” bacteria, thereby allowing “good” bacteria to grow and thrive, ultimately strengthening the health of your entire body and all of its systems, including immune health, digestive health, mental health, and much more. The specialized spore-based bacilli formulation of Just Thrive Probiotic guarantees the 100% survivability of these unique probiotic strains through the stomach and digestive system. It not only provides digestive and immune support as a potent probiotic, but also delivers powerful and necessary antioxidants (CoQ10, alpha and beta carotene, lycopene, lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin, and more) to the GI tract in truly therapeutic amounts.

Why Probiotics Anyway?

The delicate balance of the body’s intestinal and digestive flora can easily be disrupted by diets high in sugar; eating too much processed or fried foods; glyphosates; chronic stress; aging; lack of sleep; medications or exposure to toxic chemicals. If you’ve been experiencing digestive health challenges, such as occasional gas, bloating, irritable bowel or constipation, your body is letting you know its stores of “friendly bacteria” have been depleted and need to be restored. Just Thrive produced this informative and accessible cartoon video to illustrate how and why their spore-based probiotic works so well.

Why Just Thrive?

There are numerous brands of probiotics on the market, but as you’ve probably already discovered, they are not all equal.

Just Thrive contains a patented strain called Bacillus Indicus HU36® – bacillus strains are abundant environmental organisms which are a normal part of the human micro flora. This strain, Bacillus Indicus HU36®, naturally produces antioxidants/carotenoids (the nutrients that give red peppers and tomatoes their color) in your intestines where they can be best absorbed by the body, making it one of the most bioavailable forms of antioxidants on the market. These spores have been successfully used to enhance digestive health in the pharmaceutical market for more than 50 years!

Just Thrive Probiotic BoxIn addition to the healthy micro flora, antioxidants protect the body from the daily onslaught of harmful and toxic chemicals and compounds. Maintaining high levels of antioxidants in the body has been linked to lower incidences of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, etc.*

And the spore strains in Just Thrive are the only ones on the retail market clinically proven to heal leaky gut within just 30 days! In fact, studies have shown that oxidative stress is a major driver of leaky gut. Researchers believe that the antioxidants produced by the Bacillus Indicus strain (HU36®) in Just Thrive Probiotic are the “heavy hitters” in the formulation and are responsible for helping to combat the oxidative stress on the intestinal lining.

The Four Strains Included in Just Thrive Are:

  • Bacillus Subtilis HU58
  • Bacillus Indicus HU36
  • Bacillus Clausii
  • Bacillus Coagulans

The Process

Once Just Thrive enters the digestive system, it has been found to perform many critical functions, including enhancing the immune system; reducing inflammation; both increasing digestion and absorption of nutrients from food, and producing important functional antioxidants.

The strains used in Just Thrive have been proven to survive the gastric system 100%! Once they arrive alive in the intestines, they actually have the unique ability to read the microbial environment. In fact, these strains have the ability to:

  • Survive the harsh conditions of the stomach 100%
  • Identify pathogenic organisms (and once they do this, they produce natural antibiotics to help kill off the bad bacteria…)
  • Competitively exclude the overgrowth of opportunistic organisms
  • Create compounds and nutrients to feed the good bacteria in the gut

This approach is the most effective way to achieve diversity in the gut and is why customers and our own staff are seeing such dramatic results with Just Thrive Probiotic! And they survive in even the harshest of environments. Their survivability has been demonstrated up to temperatures of 455 degrees. Which means, if you were so inclined, you could bake with them. Remember, the Bacillus spores used in Just Thrive are absolutely safe. In fact, they are a normal part of the human micro flora.

Kids and Just Thrive

The gut flora of a 3-year-old is about the same as an adult, meaning children can benefit from Just Thrive too. It’s so important to give children the proper nutrition they need from the very beginning. That also means good gut health and the proper bacteria levels they need for lifelong health. And you can open up the capsules and mix the contents with food or drink – kids won’t even know it’s there since these strains are tasteless, colorless and odorless.

Just Thrive has helped to support protocols in a variety of cases, including kids with spectrum disorders (like autism and Aspberger’s Syndrom), bowel issues including irregular bowel movements, kids on antibiotic therapy and much more.

With the prevalence of hospital and Ceasarean births, the over-use of antibiotics, and a sterility-obsessed culture, the strains in Just Thrive Spore Probiotics are more important now than ever before. Do yourself a favor: Try a bottle. Observe your body. Check in with your gut. Feel the difference.

To learn about Just Thrive’s NEW Precision PREbiotic, click here.